Cookie- and privacy policy

How we handle your data

Hands writing on a computer
When you visit our website, we collect data about you and your movements. We use the data to improve our content and create more and better value for you as a visitor. If you do not want us to collect this data, you can always delete your cookie. Your consent applies to

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a little data file, which is saved on your computer, tablet or phone. A cookie is not a program that contains harmful programs or viruses.

How the website use cookies
Cookies may be necessary to make our website work. Cookies also help us to get an overview of your visit to the website, so that we can continuously optimize and target the website to your needs and interests Cookies remember, for example, what you have in a possible shopping basket, if you previously visited the page, you are logged in and which language and currency you would like to be displayed on the website. We also use cookies to target our ads on other websites. Overall, we use cookies as part of our service to display content that is relevant as possible to you.

You can see which services use cookies and for which purposes under the different categories: Necessary, Functional, Statistical and Marketing.

How long will cookies be saved?
It depends on how long the cookie is saved on your device and browser. The lifetime of a cookie is based on your last visit to the website When the cookie expires, it is automatically deleted. Alle vores cookies’ levetid fremgår i vores cookiepolitik. When a cookie expires is stated in the cookie policy.

How to reject or delete a cookie?
You can always reject all -/third-party cookies completely by changing the settings in your browser on your computer, tablet or phone. Where you find the settings depends on which browser you use. However, you should be aware that if you reject all third-part cookies, there will be functions and services you cannot use on the website.

How to delete a cookie?
Cookies you eailier have accepted can still be deleted. How you delete these depends on the browser you use (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc.) and on which device (mobile, tablet, PC, mac).
Typically it’s under settings – Safety and Privacy, but it may vary from browser to browser. Which device/browser are you using – click on the relevant link:

How to change your consent
You change your consent by either deleting cookies from the browser or by changing your original choice by clicking on the cookie icon in the bottom left corner.

Remember: If you use several browsers, you must delete cookies in all of them.

Any questions?
Do you have comments or questions in relate to our informations and/or treatment of personal informations, you are welcome yo comtact us. The cookie policy are updated every month by Cookie Information.

Personal information
Person information are information which can be related to you. As read above about cookies, we collect and process a range of information.
We typically collect and process the following types of information: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP address, geographic location and which pages you visit. If you yourself give consent and by yourself enters: name, phone, e-mail and address. This typically happens in connection with you having a login or signing up for the newsletter.

Your data is safe
We process your personal data securely and confidentially in accordance with applicable legislation, including the Personal Data Regulation and the Data Protection Act.

Your information will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected and will be deleted when this purpose has been fulfilled or is no longer relevant.

We have taken technical and organizational measures against your information being accidentally or illegally deleted, published, lost, degraded or coming to the knowledge of unauthorized persons, misused or otherwise processed in violation of the law.

Purpose of the collection of data
The information is used to identify you as a user, so that we can target and create relevant communication towards you. In addition, we use the information to optimize and improve our services and content.

How long we store your data
We store information for the period permitted by law, and we delete it when it is no longer necessary or relevant for us. The period depends on the information and the background for storage. It is therefore not possible to say exactly when the information is deleted.

Disclosure of information
Data about your use of the website, which communications you receive and any clicks, geographical location, gender and age segment, etc. are passed on to third parties to the extent that the information is known and if we use third parties.

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