- Fitness centre
Checking covid passport easy
Checking covid passport made easy!
The purchase is automatically deducted with the next membership fee.
Members can buy your products without having to take money out of their pockets:
Studies show that the average member buys more products when payment does not have to be made immediately. When you don’t have to fetch cash or a credit card, there’s no excuse for not grabbing that extra protein bar!
Unlike other providers of vending payment solutions, FlexyBox does not charge a percentage of sales or ongoing fees for the feature — the savings on fees can therefore be added directly to the turnover!
Vending machines integrated with customer records are therefore both good business and good customer service. We didn’t reinvent the wheel — we just think that, as our partner, you should be able to offer your members the best.
Read more about FlexyCRM here.
Hos Flexybox kan du få kvalificeret hjælp til at sammensætte den helt rigtige løsning, som passer til dine behov. Vores medarbejdere anvender deres brancheerfaring til at skræddersy et system, som optimerer og skaber succes i din forretning.